I am as simple as you get, but as complicated as can be. witty. sarcastic. etc.
I'm rather inclined to silence, and whether that be wise or not, its more unusual nowadays to find a man who can hold his tongue than to find one who cannot.
welcome. let's talk. just make sure you leave the stupidity and arrogance at the door.
this past weekend was GREAT. as I stated before, I had plenty of activities to do. Early AM I headed out to downtown LA. (see picture of our skyline) I went to handle some shopping with the family. that was ... quite exhausting, but we accomplished a lot. then I made an appearance at a Mary Kay party for my bff.
And then make-up time at Becks' house, a little bit of bowling, and good times at the beach! that was all on Saturday. And then on Sunday... relax time. It was great. Oh... somewhere in there I was able to vent, discuss, talk, laugh with JZ about my recent issues with my friend. Although I have resolved some issues on my own and how I am going to handle them, it was good having someone else listen and tell me that I am not losing my mind! thanks for the sanity check. I added some pictures that hopefully show what a great time I had! and if the pictures don't cut it... you're just going to have to trust me on this one!
other then that. I have nothing more to say. I will post later on about other things.
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