have you ever heard of being sick and tired of being sick and tired?
that is me today. right now. at this very moment.
Freakin' people keep using my printer, (well its not really mine, it's company owned), but that is besides the point. The printer is on my desk because I print a lot. And although I do not mind sharing it - it bugs the hell outta me when I finally get around to printing... and its out of paper. Or it needs more toner. No one cares to refill the paper tray. No one asks if I need more paper from the warehouse. So I am stuck having to load, change, smack the printer.
And its not everyone that is using the printer - its ONE person. let me give a scenario:
1. I print.
2. nuisance prints.
3. I leave my papers on the printer because I am not done printing
4a. nuisance comes to get their papers and moves mine out of order.
4b. nuisance leaves papers that they either printed wrong, or printed too many in the printer instead of recycling.
5. nuisance looks over my shoulder or down my shirt for a daily cleavage shot.
6. I continue my printing, paper is out.
lameo. nuisance. not me. I went to their computer and made another printer their default printer. They figured it out and luckily (please note major sarcasm) changed it back to mine.
yeah, ok so maybe its NOT a big deal. But when I am trying to get in a routine at work, this is irritating. I have to stop what I am doing to fix it. Nuisance, please be a bit more courteous.
and that is what is happening in my life as of this morning. ha. so exciting.
enjoy the silence -
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
did ya miss me?
come on I know you missed me. I missed you. my little blog you! I've been so busy. doing stuff. so shame on me for the neglect. But I am back now. I think.

so let me talk to you about someone that is beyond important in my life:
this right here is my babe. or as my mom calls him, my tortilla face. It is the most recent picture of us in which we are spending some quality time at a soccer game. (this night LA Galaxy owned DC United 5-2) It looks like if I am really darker than he is. But who cares, the boy is white.
he is the person that makes a lot of imperfections in life seem perfect. The best part is that he does it by simply being him. this babe of mine has been molded into a smart ass, shit talking, sarcastic little a-hole by... moi. But deep down, you will find that he is a very patient, kind-hearted, level-headed, funny guy. I love having staring contests with him - I always win though because he falls asleep. And my favorite part about him is when I ask him "to hold me like he's never held me before." Each time its different. So clever.
Like most guys, he is into sports. And although I hate to admit it to him, so am I. Or at least I have a tolerance and high understanding to most. I just get bored easily. I refuse to let him know this though, because then that would mean having to go to church with him every Saturday... (by church I mean sitting in front of the TV watching college football games back to back).
And although I can tell you 425.3 different things that he does that drive me up against a wall... that is only 10% of who he is. The other 90% makes me forget the times that I want to slap him with a tuna sandwich. And although most do not see it, we are very affectionate towards each other. He makes me feel like his "amorcito." We are friends before we are a couple. I think that is why we click. We complement each other in more ways than one. A lot of my negatives he turns into positives. Times when people make me want to smack them, he gives me the look that makes me settle down (after yelling a bit of course). When either is down, the other picks up the pieces. (I love how he takes care of me when I am sick). We bring out the best of each other and push each other to improve. He is my support team, cheer leading squad, and bff rolled into one. I can talk. And he can listen. At least for the most part he listens. Although there are plenty of times when I catch him in lala land when I am running my mouth. Even then, I can't blame him (even though I do). I do talk a lot.
And about a year from now, we will start a new chapter of our lives together. holy crap I am going to be known as Cin de Tortilla Face..... I wouldn't want it any other way.
so here's to you babe. I hope you are ready for this roller coaster of a coming year. I promise that in the end the ride will be more than worth it. I love you.

enjoy the silence -- Cin (de Tortilla Face) aka CinPamStid
tortilla face
Friday, September 12, 2008
and here comes the weekend...
somehow it feels as if though I should really be excited about what's recent in my life, but it has either NOT hit me as of yet. or I am turning into the stidkid and being non-chalant. something inside tells me I should be busy. stressing. planning. worrying. instead I am blah. well, to be completely truthful, when people ask what I plan on doing with certain things... I get excited talking to them about my ideas and start googling for more ideas. And then it just kind of goes away because I either emailed the idea to someone to see what they think. Or work pulls me back to the now.
If by my birthday I am not peeing my pants out of excitement... something is definitely wrong with me. For now, I am focusing on my sister's wedding. FUN times. Well at least for me it is. I have been searching for cakes, photographers, chair covers, etc. I get to go see things up front with her. And I get to pick her ideas out of her head and try to materialize them before our eyes. I am her maid of honor =) That on its own is quite exciting. I was my older sister's maid of honor. But, since I was only 17 at the time, they did not allow me to sign as the witness. It doesn't matter - she asked me to be her MOH. And now I get the glory and honor again. yes, I said glory. Why glory you ask? because I will be the next in line that matters. or at least that is how I play it out in my head. I am there to support, help, and work my ass off for the bride. Which in this case, it's my little sister's wedding, so there will be a lot of ass working. Any who - I will be glorified by her for helping out so much. And considering that I was jipped in my older sister's wedding - I will take full stride in this one and make sure that I play the MOH role as best as I can. Needless to say, I am excited. I really want to help her out so that she can remember this day with a smile.
So, tomorrow my day begins with a trip to the dog park. Comet and Rocket will socialize.
A bath. For me, not the dogs.
Visiting pastry centers and trying to stay away from them as much as I can so that my MOH dress can fit me "like a glove."
Goint to Belle's 30th birthday bash! (insane, THIRTY freakin' years old)
and then its Sunday. no plans as of yet. I usually like to just .... sleep. We will see how that goes.
Since it is now 7:11pm. (I love when the time reminds me of something, in this case the convenient store and its slushees), and I have to head out like a trout. Enjoy the weekend. And most importantly,
enjoy the silence
somehow it feels as if though I should really be excited about what's recent in my life, but it has either NOT hit me as of yet. or I am turning into the stidkid and being non-chalant. something inside tells me I should be busy. stressing. planning. worrying. instead I am blah. well, to be completely truthful, when people ask what I plan on doing with certain things... I get excited talking to them about my ideas and start googling for more ideas. And then it just kind of goes away because I either emailed the idea to someone to see what they think. Or work pulls me back to the now.
If by my birthday I am not peeing my pants out of excitement... something is definitely wrong with me. For now, I am focusing on my sister's wedding. FUN times. Well at least for me it is. I have been searching for cakes, photographers, chair covers, etc. I get to go see things up front with her. And I get to pick her ideas out of her head and try to materialize them before our eyes. I am her maid of honor =) That on its own is quite exciting. I was my older sister's maid of honor. But, since I was only 17 at the time, they did not allow me to sign as the witness. It doesn't matter - she asked me to be her MOH. And now I get the glory and honor again. yes, I said glory. Why glory you ask? because I will be the next in line that matters. or at least that is how I play it out in my head. I am there to support, help, and work my ass off for the bride. Which in this case, it's my little sister's wedding, so there will be a lot of ass working. Any who - I will be glorified by her for helping out so much. And considering that I was jipped in my older sister's wedding - I will take full stride in this one and make sure that I play the MOH role as best as I can. Needless to say, I am excited. I really want to help her out so that she can remember this day with a smile.
So, tomorrow my day begins with a trip to the dog park. Comet and Rocket will socialize.
A bath. For me, not the dogs.
Visiting pastry centers and trying to stay away from them as much as I can so that my MOH dress can fit me "like a glove."
Goint to Belle's 30th birthday bash! (insane, THIRTY freakin' years old)
and then its Sunday. no plans as of yet. I usually like to just .... sleep. We will see how that goes.
Since it is now 7:11pm. (I love when the time reminds me of something, in this case the convenient store and its slushees), and I have to head out like a trout. Enjoy the weekend. And most importantly,
enjoy the silence
maid of honor,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
funny how one small piece of electronic can make me feel so disconnected from the world outside of work.
I left my cell phone at home... again. And it sucks. I feel so lonely when I go pee. I do not hear the door knock followed by Mr. Duck. I wonder if today will be the day that I get a phone call being told that I just hit the lotto or something along those lines. I wonder what my phone is doing... I enVy the little booger. it gets to lay on my bed. comfy. no worries in this world. while I worry of its activities.
lucky me - I have a lot of work and I get to stay here late. Which means that the reunion between my phone and I will be later than anticipated. I am counting the minutes down until I see its slick and silver coating. And I hear the little duck quacking at me telling me that I have a text.
ok so maybe I do not miss my phone that much, but I do feel disconnected. It's funny really. It's just a phone.
enjoy the silence from a phone that isn't here
I left my cell phone at home... again. And it sucks. I feel so lonely when I go pee. I do not hear the door knock followed by Mr. Duck. I wonder if today will be the day that I get a phone call being told that I just hit the lotto or something along those lines. I wonder what my phone is doing... I enVy the little booger. it gets to lay on my bed. comfy. no worries in this world. while I worry of its activities.
lucky me - I have a lot of work and I get to stay here late. Which means that the reunion between my phone and I will be later than anticipated. I am counting the minutes down until I see its slick and silver coating. And I hear the little duck quacking at me telling me that I have a text.
ok so maybe I do not miss my phone that much, but I do feel disconnected. It's funny really. It's just a phone.
enjoy the silence from a phone that isn't here
Thursday, September 4, 2008
music is my voice

music is my voice
when the sun shines down on me
it warms my skin and puts a smile on my face
spreading my summer day long into hot nights.
music is my voice
on days when the sun can't come out to play
days spent inside
trying to find warmth in old cozy socks.
music is my voice
when my spirits are high
and nothing can go wrong
to ruin my day or my week or my year
music is my voice
when I can't find a reason to get out of bed
when everything and anything
that can go wrong
will go wrong.
it can bring joy to my day.
it can bring me to tears.
it can bring back memories
no matter how much time has passed.
it brings the masses together.
it puts a beat in your heart.
it reminds you of a friend.
a love.
a broken heart.
lyrics sing what your heart feels.
music is my voice.
enjoy the silence -
music is my voice,
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
people are people
currently listening to: Cafe Tacuba - Como Te Extraño
current mood: disappointed
It's a fight for FREEDOM!
this war is a form of slavery
that chains us to a weapon of mass destruction.
the noise of hate and fear
drown out the voice of consciousness.
marching in perfect cadence
to seek revenge upon the revengeful.
machines fight the war of the human race;
the war that takes the life of an unborn child
and slaughters the husband of a loving wife.
It's a fight for FAITH!
this war that prepares us for peace
a peace that we all long for,
but fear that as the days pass
we will never obtain it.
and the masses are left to wonder
when is enough finally enough?
it's a fight for FREEDOM and for all that have FAITH in it.

enjoy the silence - Cin
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