music is my voice
when the sun shines down on me
it warms my skin and puts a smile on my face
spreading my summer day long into hot nights.
music is my voice
on days when the sun can't come out to play
days spent inside
trying to find warmth in old cozy socks.
music is my voice
when my spirits are high
and nothing can go wrong
to ruin my day or my week or my year
music is my voice
when I can't find a reason to get out of bed
when everything and anything
that can go wrong
will go wrong.
it can bring joy to my day.
it can bring me to tears.
it can bring back memories
no matter how much time has passed.
it brings the masses together.
it puts a beat in your heart.
it reminds you of a friend.
a love.
a broken heart.
lyrics sing what your heart feels.
music is my voice.
enjoy the silence -
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