Wednesday, October 15, 2008

and Cin said... let there be floor, and the mess parted and floor existed.

let me start this blog out by saying ... FUCK!!!!!!.....
I had already typed out my blog and I pressed some buttons to start the format part of blogging and my WHOLE entry was erased into thin air. in true words of my brother "tight."

last night I came home, came into my room and noticed that it was a mess. and I am not talking about an ordinary mess. this was horrible. I think that I must have been so stressed out because of work because when I saw the mess, all I could be was upset. I was so upset that I asked my cousin Sophia "if you clean my room and wash my clothes, I will pay you a shiny penny." I actually thought it was a great idea. She is unemployed, lacks in funds. I am sooo employed that I never have time to come home and do the simple things. I usually leave it to the weekends, but lately.. I don't have time then either. So my room had become an accumulation of clothes, both clean and dirty, shoes, tupperware (clean ones), purses, herbalife, water bottles galore, and dust. I figured that I needed help in the cleaning department so that I can catch up to my normal life... and she could use the money.

unfortunately, for me and her, the neurotic Cin did not allow anyone else to try to clean my room to their taste. things had to be done my way or else I would not have been satisfied. So I forced myself to get up and clean. I will not lie, she did help me out. Especially with moral support and in the end I did throw some perfume samples as well Victorias Secret lotions and sprays her way (she was going to smell delish before heading to bed with all of the samples she had sprayed on herself). But for the most part it was all me. I washed clothes. organized shoes. put purses in one location only. changed my bed sheets. hung up clothes. folded clothes. swept. dusted. put change in one location and ONE location only. when I was done... I felt so accomplished. My back was killing me, but man I could see my bedroom floor. Actually, I could see a LOT of it.

After all was said and done... it was a bit past midnight. I was exhausted. At the time it did not matter though. I was so proud of myself that my throbbing back and my tired eyes would just have to suck it up.
And now what to do so that it stays this way. I could just hire my cousin to be my personal cleaning lady/ assistant and go insane each time I notice that she folded my shirts wrong. Or that she placed my soccer jerseys next to my work shirts. Or I could just make the extra effort to do it myself. In all honesty, I cannot stand things out of place. And although work is important, I need to find time for myself and my room so that I do not add unnecessary stress to my life. Trust me, my room would have stressed anyone out.
So that is the plan. Make sure that no matter how busy I might be... that I find time to do the things that make day to day life that much more pleasant (and cleaner), especially in a place like my bedroom. That is the one place I should be able to go to and just RELAX. so there goes a personal goal. and I am looking forward to keeping it.

enjoy the silence


1 silence breakers:

Blank said...

TAG! You're it!

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