Monday, December 29, 2008

movies and dogs oh and holidays too

I went to see Marley and Me with a real good friend this weekend. the movie was actually.. good. but a bit too close to home. it reminded me of Chiquis too much. still it was really worth the movie. and the time.
which then leads me to my baby Comet. Comet and his brother Rocket are best of friends... at least until another dog strolls in our alley or starts barking two houses away. they do not have a problem socializing with other dogs. Comet loves to run and chase balls and play with other dogs whether small or big. nothing really intimidates him. Rocket on the other hand is shy. lovable. and other dogs do not really interest him. when they are in the backyard they play with each other without a problem. they even lay together in the sun. as soon as they hear a dog bark outside of our house or walks by... they start to bark. and then it seems as if though they are barking and growling against each other. eventually they face each other and start to go at it. retrievers are not aggressive dogs, but I would not like to be on the receiving end when they are exposing their teeth and snarling.
well all of this aggression has come down to Rocket biting Comet because of an alley dog making an appearance. and Rocket has left Comet a gaping hole on his shoulder blade. Needless to say they have been separated. They go to the gate that separates them and lick each other as if though they miss each other's company.
As for the hole, Comet seemed to be ok.... until last night. We were cleaning it and giving him medicine, but last night when we went to feed him we noticed a lump above the cut. He would not allow us to touch it. So now he is at the hospital. The cut became infected. It created a huge knot/ball on his shoulder blade and it needs to be drained. Then it needs to be cleaned. Then it needs to be closed up to avoid further infection. $133 dollars later... I hope he gets better. I don't want Comet to be hospitalized for New Years. That would just be too depressing.

and now the holidays. yay! they are done with. Well at least Christmas is.

Overall, it was a good year. I got my earrings, my coat, my game, and socks, scarves, gloves. =) no Edward Cullen though. maybe for my birthday! Still, the time spent with the family was nice. And the time spent with Mr Tortilla Face was too limited. Things have been good.

I have been so exhausted lately because everything that has been going on. I just need a break now. Even work has been keeping me busy. Things are good though. I feel very productive and happy with the results.
Now I have a new project to tackle. My birthday first. Then a new year. I think I will post one more blog before the year ends. Maybe just as a review. It is always good to go back and remember, whether the memories are good or bad.

enjoy the silence.


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