Wednesday, February 18, 2009

i've waited hours for this...

I usually try to refrain from talking to others about my personal life with Mr. Tortilla Face because ... well it isn't any one's business. Plus, I really do not like to have my business out in the open. There are a select few that I spill my beans to. This group is small and I prefer it that way. There are others that I give limited information to, which sometimes backfires because people that do not know the background of our relationship do not understand some of my choices.

on Monday, I was having a conversation with someone that falls under the last category. For blogging purposes, we will call her baby momma.
well baby momma was asking me if I was excited about the wedding, and the planning and the moving in together, and etc. (lately, this is all that ladies like talking to me about.) any who, so we were on the subject of moving in together and she made the comment that "things are going to be soooo different when you two move in." this is not the first time that I have heard this comment. As a matter of fact, everyone has told me this... constantly. I am not doubting everyone that has gone through this. I am sure that its hard at times. I just don't think its going to be that bad for Mr. Tortilla Face and myself. You see, we have an advantage over many couples.... we are walking into this new commitment with a history behind us. An extensive history at that. We know each other for over ten years. That is longer than some people have been married. And in my opinion, we are really good together as a couple and probably better than some that are out there and married. (kinda harsh to say, but I am calling it like I see it). This does not mean that we do not have our fall outs. Trust me, we butt heads. But the years behind us, has shown us how to deal with these situations. This is why I have confidence in us. This is why this comment is driving me insane. (only a little bit)

So although I am sure that we will have our days once we are Mr and Mrs., it doesn't scare me. I know that we will push through and survive.

I just hate having to explain this to everyone that keeps warning me. or advising me. or letting me know how it is.

enjoy the silence

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