Monday, March 30, 2009
i want to choke the tortilla out of your face.. sometimes
scratch all of that out. I was in the best of moods yesterday until I got home. and the beginning of this blog did not match with the day. so lets try this again.
ah mr. tortilla face, how I want to choke you sometimes. I get it, we have different ways of processing information and I am ok with that. but yesterday his thought process was on such a different wave length that it made me wonder about him. I would say... men... but I am not sure if all men are that way. It might just be him, which would mean that I am the luckiest woman in the world. (major sarcasm on that one)
man I love you, but sometimes I wish you could hear the silly words that come out of your mouth. when will you understand that the world does not revolve around you? I just make you think its that way so that you can leave me alone when I want to do what I want to do.
--- back to something more interesting ---
I got an email yesterday from someone of my past. this person was there when I was in my teens, and we were very close. ever since we fell out, we attempted like three times to regain our friendship and it always fell through. now I wonder why again this person is emailing me? maybe its loneliness? maybe its boredom? maybe its being melancholy? I don't know. but for whatever reason, this person has always made me think... a lot.
--- back to my headache also known as Mr. Tortilla Face ---
so yesterday, my mind was heavy with thoughts brought upon by this person's email. and then I get to deal with Mr. Tortilla Face and his nonsense. sigh Needless to say, bad timing. I know that he means no harm, but sometimes the way he goes about things shows that men were definitely created as the less intelligent being. just don't tell him or other men of that small fact. it might turn them gay just so that they can feel smarter. =p
enjoy the silence
Friday, March 27, 2009
the joke's on you
sad to say I know that my writing is the same, its my background that has changed and is attracting new people. More specifically, Twilighters.
I admit that when I chose this background I thought of that movie. Or the book. Or a line in the book which in turn was in the movie.
Anywho when my dear Edward Cullen says, "and so the lion fell in love with lamb" in the book and the movie, its pure m&m's melting in my heart. So naturally, when I saw this picture of this innocent girl dragging this lamb, I thought it was appropriate to commemorate that line. Obviously in this situation the roles have switched. She is the lion (aka Edward Cullen, my love). I will sacrifice myself and be that poor little lamb being dragged if it's him dragging me.
If you have stumbled upon my page because of my header - I apologize that there are no images regarding Twilight. and although I LOVE the saga and am a devoted fan, this blog is not dedicated to it. (only when I feel like drooling) but I do thank you for stopping by. And to show my true gratitude, I will leave you with one of my recent favorite pics out there.

oh wait - this came from the brilliant, Clever Girl Goes Blog. I'm too lazy to link her blog, but just check her out on the blogs I follow. <<---
So here's to that poster. And here's to the weekend.
enjoy the silence
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
my playlist... for the week
I can't say that I am a mainstream follower, but I'm also not an underground junkie. I simply listen to what's on the radio, or if someone suggests a new band, or if I go to a show and the opening band is "bad ass." you get the point.
if I like a song or a beat - I usually run off to download the CD or CDs (to see if its worth buying). Then I download to my ipod, listen to it for about a week. Listen to it while I read the lyrics. I know it seems like a lot, but the beat has to make sense with the lyrics. Let me explain: sometimes you can play a great song... musically. But when you read the lyrics you realize that you've been humming along to a song about a cat chasing a mouse with a mustache. that would automatically turn me off to the song. I love when the music makes sense with the lyrics.
there are exceptions (like everything in life), some songs are all about beats that make you want to get on the dance floor and "shake it" or that keep you going while running at the gym. it usually doesn't matter if they are singing about the girl's badunkadunk as long as it gets your adrenaline going. these songs make it on a certain playlist on my ipod. And its usually a song, not the whole CD that I download.
depending on how the song appeals to my senses, they make it on a certain playlist. for the most part, its my mood that directs what songs go in what playlist. some songs make it on more than one playlist. And sometimes a song just does not fit and it gets the boot.
now to some people this might seem like a lot. - just put the ipod on shuffle and call it a day - but like I stated before, music is a big part of my life. so making playlists that define a day or a moment in my life just makes perfect sense to me.
my current favorite playlist is called "reaching in". this playlist contains songs that do just that; reach deep inside and bring out a sigh or an emotion or something. the songs on this list have a sort of pattern or theme going on throughout them - love - now the love might project as the I-lust-for-you kinda love. the you-make the-sunset-that-much-more-precious kinda love. the why-must-you-make-me-cry kinda love. the you-make-me-want-to-do-crazy-shit kinda love or the there-is-no-one-but-you kinda love. the point is that its about love in some way or another. I know that there are different types of interpretations to lyrics and there might be a chance that the lyricist did not have love in mind with some of these songs. But this is how I have interpreted these songs and this is how they make me feel and since this is my playlist, this is where they are going.
So here I am, sharing. Because you never know, someone out there might be looking for a new band to go download and I just want to do my part.
and yes, they are in a particular order
- AFI - Prelude 12/21
- AFI - Endlessly She Said
- Thursday - Lovesong Writer
- Brand New - Degausser
- Deftones - RX Queen
- The Cure - From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea
- Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart
- Blaqk Audio - Semiotic Love
- AFI - 37mm
- Glassjaw - Ape Dos Mil
- My Chemical Romance - I Don't Love You
- Incubus - Love Hurts
- Deftones - Cherry Waves
- Muse - Falling Away With You
- Muse - Time Is Running Out
enjoy the silence/music
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
sisters will always be sisters
my older sister and I did not have the closest relationship out there. as a matter of fact, I can tell you that we did not bond 100% of the time when she used to live down here. she has a very different personality and outlook on life than I do. I did not really understand her back then, but I see her differently now. I respect her a lot for the simple fact that she is the mother of my two adorable nephews. And because she learned to be the woman that she is on her own. She was pretty much married off at the age of 19. And she had to quickly learn to be a wife. And years later a mother. This makes her a strong person by nature, even though she comes off as being very shy and soft spoken. Although we do not see eye to eye on many things, I know that we get along better now.
then there's my little sister. this is another one that I did not bond with 100% of the time while growing up. As a matter of fact, there are stories told in which I was the culprit that rolled her off the bed when she was a couple of months old. And then there is also the time that I yanked her by the hair and dragged her to her room because she was misbehaving and she managed to claw me with her ginormous nails. (which btw I still have the scar to prove where she ripped skin off with her bare claws) all of that is in the past now. Now, we get along. Now, we can have actual conversations that do not end in physical confrontations. Now, I miss her. Once more, we do not see eye to eye on many things, but we definitely get along better now.
see, the point of this blog is to prove my previous blog. I am definitely growing up. Relationships that were difficult before, have improved. My patience with others has improved. I have learned how to coincide with others in a better fashion.
I have always loved my sisters, even though I did not say it or show it. The difference now is that the bond that I have with them is much stronger. And the respect and understanding for the choices they have made in their lives is greater as well. It doesn't matter if they do not agree with everything that I say or do and vice versa, I love them for who they are.
Maybe getting older is not so bad... maybe
there's still the minor details of getting wrinkly and of bartenders not asking me for my ID.
but the insight into my thoughts and my reasoning is making it all worth while.
enjoy the silence
Monday, March 23, 2009
I think that I am older now
when I came back from lunch, I was instantly asked, "aw. do you miss him?" I laughed in my head and answered "no. I just saw him."
the next day, I came in dragging due to my recent episodes of staying up late, and once more I was asked "aw. you look sad. do you miss your tortilla face?" this time I laughed out loud (lol) "no. its barely been a day. I'm just tired. I stayed up late watching the first 48 hours." their reply "aw. you're keeping yourself busy." I smiled politely. I really wasn't missing him. I was just tired.
later on in the day I caught myself saying something that he constantly says and laughed out loud again... to myself. the girls looked at me like they always do when I have jokes that are meant for me only.
"what's so funny?"
"I just caught myself saying "whaaaaat?" like Mr. Tortilla Face says it."
cell phone goes off, its his ringtone and they know it.
"awwww. you guys are in sync. its like if he knew you were thinking about him."
polite smile. coincidence. nothing more then that.
Friday rolled around and on this day we only spoke through texting. I went out with Devina, and their just wasn't any time to fit in a phone conversation. I will admit that on that day I missed his face... and the rest that comes with it. Good thing I wasn't at work and I was able to avoid another "awwww."
Saturday came and once more I was busy, this time with JZ. Although I was excited that he was back, the errands I had to run kept me occupied and it didn't cross my mind. he showed up later that night and brought a true smile to my face.
I had missed him, there is no denying it.
I am so used to being around him, that when he takes off every year I freak out. By freak out I mean I get kind of sad and gloomy. Its not a jealousy thing. Its not a trust issue. its just being out of my comfort zone. We spend so much time together that he has become a big part of my comfort zone and when he takes off... I get lonely. This usually leads to me waiting anxiously until he gets back. I wonder when will he call. And I usually don't make plans at night because I do not want to miss his call. pathetic right?
well as time has gone by, I have handled this differently. Each year it has become better and less lonely. This year I simply kept myself busy and enjoyed the time to myself. Although I wasn't really alone, but still.
This new development doesn't mean he can just take off for days at a time. it just means that I can handle it better. I missed him and was still able to remain in my comfort zone. It's all part of growing up and I like this part of aging.
aren't you proud of me? I am!
enjoy the silence
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
money is the root of all that lets me live
money is not everything. there is love. loyalty. compassion. family. friendships. birth. hobbies. sigh.
but sometimes, when money fails to exist... it puts a damper on some of the stuff that helps us remain sane. its sad really, but I have come to realize that its all part of life.
ever since I started working, I was left to take care of my own purchases and bills. I have always understood the importance of money. Now with all of the new stuff going on in my life, the importance of prioritizing where my pennies go is something that I have taken on full-hearted.
I have made a budget. I update it as I pay my bills and I give myself a certain amount to play with and set aside a certain amount for certain situations that I know are coming up (like birthdays, trips, etc). So far, I've done ok. When I first started this I realized more closely where my cash was going and how stupidly I was wasting it. Now, I value my pennies.
the "recession" has not hit me directly as of yet. I am truly thankful for that. But with all of the talk about it, I can't help but to be aware and to prepare as a just in case. So I have been saving and watching where my money goes. For once, in a long time I've actually been reviewing what charges are on my bills. I've been cancelling services that I don't even use. And some companies have given me credits on some of these charges. I've given my bank account more cash to hold and I think it likes me for it. If only it would add some zeros to my bank account, then I would be happy. =)
I really hope that this helps in the long run. I am sure it will. How can saving ever be a bad thing? I want to make sure that I don't become a penny pincher, never wanting to waste a dime even if I have some to spare.
I wish money would not rule all of the decisions I make in life. unfortunately, I am not a heiress to a hotel chain, nor am I the next pop star sensation... so in order for me to live a life that I enjoy these are the steps that I have to take for now. because money does help. and having it makes more time away from work possible. and it makes shopping much more enjoyable (although I don't care for too much shopping, the crowds drive me nuts). and it helps bring a bit of ease to every day life when its not a constant reason to argue or cause stress at home.
All of this talk about money makes me want to check my account balance.
enjoy the silence
Monday, March 9, 2009
chuck says "hi butt!"

so I'm not much of a religious person. by that I mean, I do not go to church. but, confession: I have been praying a lot lately. by a lot I mean, every day or every other day. Nothing is going on in my life that is different than before. I don't really know why I feel inclined to pray, it's just sort of been happening on its own. I am not complaining. I don't feel like going to church or opening the bible. I just have the need to pray and when I do it feels great.
I am starting to stress on the thought of getting a new home (not getting it, but the extra expense that will come with it). it would not be so bad... except that along with it comes the expense of the wedding. and a honeymoon. wow. and in between I have prior engagements that tug at my pocketbook as well. I need to inhale slowly and work out all of the numbers before I start dreaming of bankruptcy.
my new favorite saying is "hi butt!" from one of the cell phone companies out there. ha, it makes me think of Mr. Tortilla Face and me. well the relationship we have and how we get along.
next weekend is little K's birthday party. I hope I make it on time.
enjoy the silence
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
the Muse is my muse
last time we were in the car and Supermassive Black Hole came on, I mentioned to Mr. Tortilla Face "sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I just opened the car door while you were driving and I just held on to the door and stuck my feet out and clung onto the door as I ran." he looked at me and said "wtf are you talking about?" I was being honest though. the song put me in a mood that made me want to run, while clinging onto a car that was racing down the freeway. I wasn't going to do it, it just got me in the mood. this is what I mean by it making me think of all sorts of things.
that CD in particular, Absolution makes me want to write. or make a music video. or be a vampire. I can't explain why, but I really love that CD. its great to write when your brain wants to speak. brain farts blow. ha. I made a funny.
so I am giving them props today. thanks for the thoughts and the inspirations. these past 3 days have been productive and relaxing. and if anyone gets the chance, go check them out if you haven't done so yet.
enjoy the silence
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
and then ... there are almost 5.
I cannot believe how it easy it was. my dress is mine. it is petite. it is beautiful. it is mine.
pics will not be posted up because people like Mr. Tortilla Face can access this blog and although I'm not traditional and don't care if he sees the dress, I promised not to show him.
moving along: this weekend was FUN. I did not get to really relax through the weekend, so I've been dragging at work since yesterday. oh well. fun does come with a prize.

I found out something great this weekend (even though I already knew it, this weekend confirmed it) Mr. Tortilla Face is awesome. In all seriousness, I know I give him a lot of crap and some people still think that I punk him (trust me, yelling does not necessarily equal to being a bitch regardless of what end you are on). But when it boils down to everything - he is amazing. He knows me better than I give him credit for. He trusts me. He loves me for being me. And even when my temper flares, he knows how to calm me down (even though sometimes we have a yelling session before we talk things out). I really do consider myself being lucky for having him in my life. Like my friend Devina recently told me "you want to find a guy that makes you want to become a better person." this is Mr. Tortilla Face. He makes me want to become a better person for MYSELF and helps me with the many challenges in life. He is my best friend. He is my first love. And very soon he will be my husband. thanks honey. I love you.
enjoy the silence