I cannot believe how it easy it was. my dress is mine. it is petite. it is beautiful. it is mine.
pics will not be posted up because people like Mr. Tortilla Face can access this blog and although I'm not traditional and don't care if he sees the dress, I promised not to show him.
moving along: this weekend was FUN. I did not get to really relax through the weekend, so I've been dragging at work since yesterday. oh well. fun does come with a prize.

I found out something great this weekend (even though I already knew it, this weekend confirmed it) Mr. Tortilla Face is awesome. In all seriousness, I know I give him a lot of crap and some people still think that I punk him (trust me, yelling does not necessarily equal to being a bitch regardless of what end you are on). But when it boils down to everything - he is amazing. He knows me better than I give him credit for. He trusts me. He loves me for being me. And even when my temper flares, he knows how to calm me down (even though sometimes we have a yelling session before we talk things out). I really do consider myself being lucky for having him in my life. Like my friend Devina recently told me "you want to find a guy that makes you want to become a better person." this is Mr. Tortilla Face. He makes me want to become a better person for MYSELF and helps me with the many challenges in life. He is my best friend. He is my first love. And very soon he will be my husband. thanks honey. I love you.
enjoy the silence
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