last night I had a great conversation with someone and it went a little like this:
Catholic: ok Cin, see you Monday!
self: Monday? you won't be here tomorrow?
Catholic: naw man! I don't work on Good Friday.
self: oh alright then. see you Monday!
Catholic: can you believe that they made me use my vacation time for my day off request???? (a look of pure disbelief all over his face)
self: yea. what's wrong with that? (I am sure that my face had a big question mark on it)
Catholic: it's Good Friday!!! that's a holiday!
self: it's not a holiday in the U S of A my friend... and it's definitely not a holiday in this company.
Catholic: that is stupid. I shouldn't have to waste my vacation time for Good Friday... its a holiday!!!
self: why not? Good Friday is not a national holiday.
Catholic: why not? Easter is.
self: Good Friday is part of your religion. The church and government are considered separate entities. They do not celebrate religious holidays as a nation because we have the freedom to choose a religion in the US.
Catholic: well that is stupid.
self: why is it stupid? because we have rights? if we celebrate the Catholic holidays as a nation then we would have to acknowledge the holidays and customs of the Jewish community, Presbyterians, Baptist, 7DA and so on. This is why the constitution keeps this as two separate entities. That way our rights as US citizens are not violated when it comes to choosing your religion.
Catholic: well that is dumb.
self: why?
Catholic: because my right is being violated as a Catholic to celebrate my custom.
self: no it's not. the company acknowledged your request and gave you tomorrow off. they're just not paying you for it out of their own pocket. and by law, they are in the right. plus, you're not even a citizen.
Catholic: what about Easter? everyone celebrates Easter!
self: I don't.
Catholic: you've never gone egg hunting?
self: yes I have.
Catholic: well then...
self: well then what? what does Easter and egg hunting have to do with each other for a Catholic?do Catholics pray to the Easter Bunny on Sunday? egg hunting is more of a corporate holiday. It does not tie in with your religion.
Catholic: no, but people associate the two together.
self: yes, but its not for religious purposes. plus, egg hunting is not considered a national holiday.
Catholic: (the look is now an upset one) whatever. see you Monday.
self: bye.
I was not trying to argue with this person. really, I wasn't. but some people just ... look better when their mouths are quiet.
most people think that I am not religious because of situations like these. the truth is that I am religious. I'm just not Catholic. And I know that there are many Catholics out there, especially in California. But it is not the only religion. People should really educate themselves before assuming or jumping to conclusions especially if they are going to argue about it. They really do look like asses when they act like if I am the daughter of Satan for eating chicken on Good Friday and because I don't see the connection between the Easter Bunny and the resurrection of Christ.
for those that are celebrating Easter - have a good one. =)
see... I am not the spawn of the devil.
enjoy the silence
Friday, April 10, 2009
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I like your new layout! So is this a new blog? or just the background?
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