I admit that I slipped for a weekend or two, but it really wasn’t my fault. I am going to let Mr. Tortilla Face take all of the blame on this one.
Anywho – so it’s back to no drinks for Cin.
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You know how sometimes you really hate your job. I mean you really hate your job. I have those days too. Not today though. Today I am a walking zombie and am not able to register hatred as of yet, but the day's not over so there is still hope.
Anywho, moving along – so sometimes you hate your job so much that you start raging about it. And sometimes you think to yourself or out loud “Man I wish I could just be at home right now.” Or “I just need a month off to REALLY relax!!!” Come on admit it, we have said that at some point in our working lives.
What about those people that chose not to work for whatever reason? Do you think that they ever sit at home, or on the park bench that they call home and say “Man, I hate not working! I wish I had a real job instead of begging for money/ mooching off my parents” or “I wish I could just work for ONE year so that I can get away from this life of mine in which I am doing nothing but taking naps when I please!”
what? I'm sure it happens...
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My friend mentioned to me this morning that over the weekend they saw an old friend of theirs out on the street.
I asked “did you stop to say hello?”
my friend said, “no. I couldn't ever imagine seeing my friend how he looked this morning and it just freaked me out.”
So I asked, “what was wrong with your friend?”
“he was drunk – couldn't even hold himself up. He looked like if he lived in the streets and that wasn't even the neighborhood that he lives in.”
I got caught in a silent moment and said “that’s sad.”
Then my friend said something that made me wonder
“about two years ago he got into heavy drinking and all of his family tried to get him to stop. They always had disputes within the family because of his drinking and each time he just went back to it and got worse. Now look at him, out on the street. I never thought he would let himself go.”
“if he was an alcoholic that never wanted help, what made you think that he would not end up this way?”
He stayed quiet. “well I kinda knew it would happen. But I just hoped that he would eventually listen to his family.”
My response. “at least he is still sorta alive.”
What did I wonder about you might ask? : Why was this such a shocker? You can't help those that do not want your help. Even if deep down inside you only want what is best for them. If that person doesn’t want it, then it doesn’t matter what you want. So what happens next? Do you give up on them? Or do you keep pushing for them to change, hoping that one day they will give up and change?
enjoy the silence
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