Monday, June 15, 2009

and then there were 2

today is the start of a new era. my ears will no longer bleed.

on to something else... this is my 100th POST.
how exciting right? well to me it is.

so in honor of it being my 100th post, let me just brief over what makes Cin smile:
mr. Toritlla Face
good friends
Edward Cullen
my family for the most part
my nephews with a cherry on top
mr. Tortilla Face (comes in again)
Robert Pattinson (he he he)

and this is what has made up my posts for the most part.
well besides the ones where I just ranted about random bullkaka.
and then the ones where I was moody (or angry) and I thought I was going to strangle someone.

so here is to 100 more. I do not promise to change my style of blog. and I also do not think that I am going to be the next BIG thing. But I do want to say thanks for those that came along. thanks.
and for those that started reading and then thought what the hell is this girl's problem???. well good riddance and good night!!!!!

enjoy the silence

2 silence breakers:

~PaRuPaRo~ said...

Congratulations on your 100th post... I wish you many more! Let me add me to you list of things that make you smile:

mr. Toritlla Face
good friends (specially JZ)
Edward Cullen
my family for the most part
my nephews with a cherry on top
mr. Tortilla Face (comes in again)
Robert Pattinson (he he he)

~PaRuPaRo~ said...

Oh and I just now caught on to your first line... the second time around. LOL!!! or is it CMC?

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