Saturday was spent at home. Jaemy and K found me in my pjs! ha ha ha. They did not seem to mind. Saturdays are meant to stay at home and lounge in the morning and play at night. We went out and had a nice lunch. Each time I see K she changes a bit here and there. I swear Kassandra has changed so much from when she was a baby.

She is starting to look like Boo from Monster's Inc now. he he he. ok just a little bit. I love Boo !!! That movie is one of my favorites.
So, this weekend was spent with two different babies that are at two different states of their lives. Seeing them both (one being a 1 year old, the other barely 9 days old), made me realize how quickly a child changes right before your eyes.
When they are first born, they look so funny. They are like drunk ol' men. Their heads are wobbly because they need help holding them up. They are kind of wrinkly. They have no teeth - all gums. They spit up here and there. They are aways tired and constantly need rest. I envy these little humans. Then they start to take form. Gain balance and strength in their little arms to hold their bodies up so that they can look around. They start to notice things and smile ear to ear without a care in the world. Then the crawling and the walking begins. Teeth start to come out, drooling becomes apparent. They learn the game of monkey-see-monkey-do. I love when they are at this stage. Finally, the rambling begins. Only parents understand this language. Their curiousity level and understanding of their surroundings is at its highest. Time goes by so quickly from newborn to a year old.
Sunday was spent with another baby. I present you the precious Kau'i Makena...
She was born on the 4th of July, right before the fireworks went off. now her momma has her own little firecracker. I remember when K was this size. I never would have imagined that she would turn out to look like she does now. I wonder what Kau'i will look like a year from now. Adorable... I am sure. I know that a week from now she will be a different baby altogether.
Their innocence and lack of ability to care for themselves makes them precious. They are a huge responsibility, but I am sure that the mothers woud not have it any other way. There is no comparing the love a mother has for her child. I have heard from new mothers that they instantly fall in love. Congratulations to these mommies. For the ones that are head of the household. The ones that hold it all together. The ones that stay at home. The ones that are a 9-5 worker, and 24-7 mother. The ones that give there all to their babies and their families. So much self-sacrifice goes to having a child. I admire you all for this.
Having friends like them in my life allows me to see that it is not an easy task. It also allows me to see a love that I want to experience on my own. Do I think I am ready? Definitely up to the challenge. I know I have some things that I need to take care of first, but the time will soon come.
Until then -- I will cherish these little ladies. As well as the other babies in my life... like my nephews =D
I know that once mine are in the picture, I will only have eyes for them. How can you not help falling in love? I can only imagine. And right now, interacting with these littles ones gives me something to look forward to.
What a good weekend to reflect on life and those who are willing to give it.
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