This was on Sunday at the game. El Salvador vs Guatemala. The game ended tied, but it was actually a good game. In case you haven't noticed - we were on the Salvie side. And damn proud to be a Guanaca. And I am not saying this because we are Salvies, but they played a better game. They managed the ball well. Did some good set ups. They just could not complete the play with a goal. Which is obviously what they needed to do in order to win the game. Guatemala on the other hand, looked sloppy. I don't know if they were really missing Carlos Ruiz, or if that is how they always play. I do know that if they play the way they did on Sunday versus the US - they are going to face the wrath of 8 goals like the Barbados team recently did.
I did have fun this Sunday being amongst so many Central Americans. The guys behind us are up there with some of the best shit talkers. I don't think I've heard "hijo de puta" (son of a bitch) as much as I heard it on Sunday. And trust me...my mom has a potty mouth, but she had nothing on these guys. They sang the anthem loud and proud, poked fun at the Guate fans, and threatened to throw cups with piss in them at any one of the Guate fans that gave them shit. Really, what is the fascination with pissing in a cup and throwing it into a crowd? Especially if your aim is horrible and you end up hitting the wrong person. Even with all of the mysterious fluids flying, I did not really see any fights. They did get into each other's faces and there was a lot of shit talking, but overall it wasn't violent.
Through the "culero" chants and the "hijo de putas" and "cerotes" being thrown around, I caught myself listening to the way they interacted with each other. At home, only my mom was born in El Salvador. And after many years of living here in the US and now being a citizen, her accent only comes out when she is around the rest of the family. For those of you who do not know - different Hispanics have different accents. They use different words and express themselves differently. Even the tone is different. I love their accent. I had a blast just listening to the simple sentences they composed. Even if it was one where they made fun of the indian dialect that Guatemalans use. I wanted to be part of it, but feared that my Spanish would not be Salvadorean enough. I think I am going to start practicing my Spanish. My goal is to sound at least a little bit like them. I mean the blood inside of me is Salvie, why can't the accent?
I'm glad we went to the game. It was a lot of fun. Even Jeremy (whom by the way was nationalized by some Salvadoreans with their flags), had fun. He said he had never seen so many flags in one place! He enjoyed the patriotism. It's nice to enjoy the culture even if it was only for 2 hours. The only thing I wonder is what happened to the giant Guatemalan flag that was sent into the crowd? Hopefully no one ripped it into toilet paper like I heard so many threaten they would if the flag came their way.
enjoy the silence all
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