Friday, September 12, 2008


and here comes the weekend...
somehow it feels as if though I should really be excited about what's recent in my life, but it has either NOT hit me as of yet. or I am turning into the stidkid and being non-chalant. something inside tells me I should be busy. stressing. planning. worrying. instead I am blah. well, to be completely truthful, when people ask what I plan on doing with certain things... I get excited talking to them about my ideas and start googling for more ideas. And then it just kind of goes away because I either emailed the idea to someone to see what they think. Or work pulls me back to the now.
If by my birthday I am not peeing my pants out of excitement... something is definitely wrong with me. For now, I am focusing on my sister's wedding. FUN times. Well at least for me it is. I have been searching for cakes, photographers, chair covers, etc. I get to go see things up front with her. And I get to pick her ideas out of her head and try to materialize them before our eyes. I am her maid of honor =) That on its own is quite exciting. I was my older sister's maid of honor. But, since I was only 17 at the time, they did not allow me to sign as the witness. It doesn't matter - she asked me to be her MOH. And now I get the glory and honor again. yes, I said glory. Why glory you ask? because I will be the next in line that matters. or at least that is how I play it out in my head. I am there to support, help, and work my ass off for the bride. Which in this case, it's my little sister's wedding, so there will be a lot of ass working. Any who - I will be glorified by her for helping out so much. And considering that I was jipped in my older sister's wedding - I will take full stride in this one and make sure that I play the MOH role as best as I can. Needless to say, I am excited. I really want to help her out so that she can remember this day with a smile.
So, tomorrow my day begins with a trip to the dog park. Comet and Rocket will socialize.
A bath. For me, not the dogs.
Visiting pastry centers and trying to stay away from them as much as I can so that my MOH dress can fit me "like a glove."
Goint to Belle's 30th birthday bash! (insane, THIRTY freakin' years old)
and then its Sunday. no plans as of yet. I usually like to just .... sleep. We will see how that goes.
Since it is now 7:11pm. (I love when the time reminds me of something, in this case the convenient store and its slushees), and I have to head out like a trout. Enjoy the weekend. And most importantly,

enjoy the silence

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