Friday, November 7, 2008

I have a headache

and it has a name. tortilla face.

last night my headache was all about tortilla face. and it made me go to sleep aching and hurting. some things are best left unsaid. this is one of them.
and although this headache has slightly gone away... lil' surfer has resurfaced this headache of mine by being himself.
ah lil' surfer. what can I say about this one to make him look good??? actually, he is kind of full of himself and probably does not need me to boost his ego. that same ego is making this throbbing in my head throb more and more by the minute.


you know, they are very easy to comprehend. they are not complicated creatures. but they sometimes think that they have to do certain things or avoid saying certain things so that us ladies do not get bothered, and it makes things worse. because we just want them to TALK. we just want an opinion. we don't want to always hear "I don't care babe. whatever you want is ok with me." or "I'm not gonna force you guys to do anything you don't want to do. we can do what you want. I don't care." JUST CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is all we want. at the same time, I think to myself... self: do you really want the gentlemen in your life to be that in tune with your every need and your every desire? and not so much to be so much in tune... but to FULLY understand your emotions, and your actions, and your everything? Wouldn't it be tooo much like Will & Grace?
I don't want a Will & Grace kind of relationship with either of these headaches. I just don't want the headaches to throb so much. They make me sleepy.

ahhh. one of these days.
I'm not sure what I am going to do one of these days... but I hope that one of these days something will change.
like when Bush leaves - that will be a day with one less headache.

enjoy your weekend folks. I have a STAR WARS party to enjoy tomorrow. yay. I am looking forward to good times.

enjoy the silence.


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