Thursday, January 29, 2009


LUSCIOUS. Don’t you just like that word? I do. I like it so much that I am going to use it more often. It is now part of my vocabulary.

On to other things.

I had a discussion with someone recently about feelings and emotions and reactions. This person’s argument is that people choose to be upset. According to this person, if something happens to you that would normally upset you – you have the choice to be upset or to shrug it off. Their example was a break up. Imagine getting dumped. You have just been dumped and you are sad, disappointed, lonely. You choose to be this way. You should be able to tell yourself not to feel this way and shrug these things off. You should be able to convince yourself to not allow this to bother you and make you sad. It is your choice. You can control the way you feel.
I don’t agree. I think that we are simply human. We get upset. We get happy. We get sad. It is an instinct that we have. We are not robots. If something happens to us that creates an emotion, then we … emote. I do believe that we do have a choice on how to react over our feelings. Let’s go back the example given above. I have just been dumped. I am clearly not a happy camper. I have the choice to allow myself to become so lonely and depressed that I resort to stalking my ex. I have the choice to cry for weeks and try to distract myself. I cannot just turn my feelings off. I cannot just convince myself that getting dumped is an okay thing. I might not be able to control my feelings and turn them on and off, but I can control how I will react.

Why did I blog about this? Well, I just think that it’s quite… interesting. I thought it was an interesting observation from someone else. I wonder if it made a difference that this person was a male. I wonder what made him think this way. Do you agree?

enjoy the silence

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