Tuesday, December 9, 2008

new addition to the playlist of my so called life

I love music. I love everything about it. The beats. The lyrics. The feelings. The everything.
When I need inspiration I turn to music. It gets me out of any rut I might be in and it helps lick any wounds that life might have caused. It brings a smile to my face when it seems that its never going to appear again. It helps me sulk when I feel like being emotional. It puts me to sleep when my mind refuses to settle.

Being the moody person that I am - I think that this is why I turn to music the most. Sometimes it is very hard for me to explain how I feel. Trust me, it's not that I do not know when I am depressed, or angry or happy. It's just that sometimes I do not know why. Sometimes my heart feels heavy and my mind races with thoughts left and right. Yet I cannot pinpoint why. I usually choose to keep this little bit of misery and frustration to myself. There really is no point to talk to others about something I cannot explain even to myself. This is when music heals. I go through my ipod and shuffle songs and wait patiently. I never know what band will do the trick, or what genre. I just know that when the right song plays it explains how I am feeling at the time. As corny as it sounds, it speaks to my heart and soul. Sometimes the songs don't add up to whatever is currently goingon. It might be a sad love song that does the trick even though my love life is okay. It might be a revolutionary punk song, or even an upbeat club song. There really isn't a style of song that I search for. I just know that once it is on, regardless of how confusing it might be... it does the trick.

Last week was a weird week for me. Something just did not feel right. I was ready to cry at any moment and I did not know what got me in this mood to begin with or what would trigger it. I just knew that I was not a happy camper. Maybe it was all of the stress because of the wedding. Or maybe the lack of sleep. Or maybe all of the lovey-doveyness I was reading in the Twilight series. Whichever way, I was a mess. And then the song came on my ipod that has made me ... different. Not just in my mood, but in other aspects as well.
Brand New - The Devil and God are Raging Inside of Me -
I've had this CD for quite some time now, but I had never really listened to it. It's not that I didn't like it, its just that I have so many other options. Well once I heard this song last Thursday, everything cleared up for me. I have been inspired. I searched for the lyrics to see if I could find a meaning in them. No luck. It doesn't matter to me really why this song. What matters is the fact that my mood has improved. That empty feeling is gone and has been replaced by this song. I hear it every day at least 3 times.
This is what music does to me. This is why it means a lot to me. If I could not share my thoughts through a song... I am not sure what other outlet I would go for. Having said that, I suggest you listen to the song and follow it with the lyrics. And now I leave you with my favorite verse in the song.
Well take me, take me back to your bed
I love you so much that it hurts my head
Say I don't mind you under my skin
I'll let the bad parts in, the bad parts in
When we were made we were set apart
Life is a test and I get bad marks
Now some saint got the job of writing down my sins
The storm is coming, the storm is coming in

enjoy the silence my friends.

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