Tuesday, December 30, 2008

good-bye to 2008. make way for 2009!

2008 is almost over. wow. what has come out of this year? what did I spend all 365 days doing?

friends have come and gone.

one of the most significant ones was a new friend, whom happened to be a mutual friend with one of my closest friends. just as quickly as we met and bonded... the friendship broke apart. this was actually a sad one because of the mutual friend we shared. they are not on speaking terms as well. this was a sad loss in the beginning - now I face it without a doubt in my head. I had mixed feelings and even questioned some of my actions because of other's words or reactions, but not anymore. I stand by what I did. things ended the way they should have. if our mutual friend chooses to befriend this person, I am stepping away from that circle. It is not something I want to be part of or that I need in my life. I do not like people that constantly play the victim just for the sake of attention.

I have also bonded a great deal with other friends. its like they say, when one door closes another one opens. I have had more time to allow myself to involve myself with other people that have always been close to me. And to maintain some of the great friendships I already had.

I found out this year that some of these friends are like family members. How could I not include them in my day to day function and my family events?

weddings and new beginnings.

my younger sister is now someones wife. she was proposed to earlier this year and was married by the end of the year. I miss her. we have become close over the past years, and it is sad to lose her even though she lives so close. one regret of her wedding, I did not get to give my MOH speech. I really wanted to let her know how much I love her.

2009 will be my year to become a wife, although sometimes it already feels that I am already playing that role. I have not been able to plan much because of my sister's wedding, but starting 2009... the planning begins. After that will come babies. holy crap. that is a blog on its own.

new family.

family has always been there for me. I consider myself lucky. every now and then I meet a new cousin or rekindle a long lost friendship with an old family member. this year has been no different - drama. novelas. pointless crap. family is great. but man oh man sometimes they are a nuisance. this year I learned that even the one close to you are the ones you cannot trust. I also learned that I might love a family member because of the same blood that runs within our veins, but I do not have to like the person that they are or have become.
I lost a family member. My dear Chiquis, but gained two new ones along the way.

its amore.

I have nothing to say about this and everything to say. Mr. Tortilla Face is my huero. flaco. pelon. he loves me. I know this. and I love him. that is all there is to it. and next year we will have a hell of a ride. I am looking forward to it! you would figure that after being together for so long we would get tired of each other or something - but that is not the case. he is definitely my other half.


ah this year has been full of inspiration. and from inspiration has grown a lot of creativity and a lot of new ideas.
I have started to make one of my hobbies into a reality and so far I am excited. I really do not know where any of this may lead me. It may lead nowhere, but at least I know that I went for it. that on its own is a great accomplishment.


I have learned this year that I am a great accountant. I know that I am. I know that I carry a lot of responsibilities on my shoulder and that if someone else was in my position, they would not carry them through as thoroughly as I do.
I have started asking myself if an accountant is the way to go for me. I still do not have an answer, but I know that as long as I am happy... I will continue on this path. Even if my hobby becomes a reality, I think that I would still want to be an accountant. It is something that I enjoy doing. (yes, even on the days when things are horrible at work and all I want to do is run out of the office and choke someone)


this year I lost my gall bladder. pain. fear. sigh of relief. this started me on the path to become healthy. so far I have accomplished a lot with certain changes, but I have big dreams. which means that I want more out of all of this. so the gym is still included. as well as my new way of life.

I really do not have any. I just want to stick to what I have already been doing. so far it has been a good one. I find it pointless to make new resolutions that I probably will not follow, or that I might make unreachable and will never get to following. So instead, I will just strive to become a better person in all ways possible. so here is to 2009. I will become Mrs. Tortilla Face. I will become a mother. I will become a bridezilla. I will become a healthier person. I will become a better friend. I will become a better Cin.
so enjoy the new year. be safe. and party like smart rock stars.

enjoy the silence.

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