Wednesday, February 11, 2009

and then there were 5...

I am frustrated this morning. I want to blog about it, but then I don’t. So why mention it? … because its my blog and I can if I want to. =p

Ok enough with me being a brat.

So something that is going on with me is not right at the moment. A good friend of mine and I are not talking. I don’t know where she stands or how she feels. I don’t know what is going on in her head. She has not even talked to me.
I know where I stand. I know how I feel (besides confused). And I actually took the first step and reached out to her. Unfortunately, I don’t know how she felt about it because of the whole not speaking to me part.
I am trying my hardest to give my friend time. I know that that is usually what is suggested. “just give them time. they'll come around” And although I am trying… this is not who I am. I don’t like for issues to be left unsolved. I like for things to be talked out. I like for problems to be solved. Even if the solution is not the one that you prefer. It is still a solution. When I am left to “give time” it usually results in me sulking and over thinking everything. I end up frustrated. And the frustration brings out sadness and anger. So although I am giving my friend time, it is really bothering me.

So here I am. Thinking. Frustrated. Wondering. Sad. Sick (yes… I am getting another cold, apparently the last one I had that lasted 3 weeks was not enough). And for once, the silence is not a good one. I am not enjoying it one bit.
sigh so I guess I will just have to distract myself with other stuff. Like where to go for our honeymoon! Yay. Sorta. But no not really.

Enjoy the silence (or don’t)

1 silence breakers:

~PaRuPaRo~ said...

5 what?

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